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Writer's pictureAnita Arrunategui

The Space Between

There is an inevitable struggle in the in-between. It is the space between recognizing the dysfunction of your life, experiencing the hurt, pain and bitterness inside, understanding what it will take to overcome and believing that better awaits you on the other side. It is the unknown realm of healing. A trained and experienced clinical counselor can guide you through the process. You may have heard stories of others who have walked this rope and found healing. The possibility is there. The lyrics below sum it up beautifully:

“Tightrope”  By Misty Edwards

"Can't pretend that I am blind/Can’t go back and erase the mind/Naivety and wide-eyed wonder are far from me/But at least now I see/It's like I'm walking on a tightrope/Stretched across the universe/Way too high to go back from where I came/Overwhelmed at the miles I’ve yet to tame

Chorus: Well, I'm too far in to turn around now/And I've got too far to go to sit down now/Too far in, too far to go

Surrounded by blackness mingled with stars/Keeping a sacred balance, hoping I don't fall/Don't want to fall, don't want to walk/Want to disappear like cowards talk/No, no, no, no, noChorus….Hanging there in space/My toes gripping the rope/It’s the only hope/That golden thread that got me here/Will be the same/That brings me to the endChorus….You surround me, You surround me/Your invisible hand is around, around/In this uncomfortable in-between/Where I'm too far in to turn around now..."

Facing the truth of your brokeness is not a walk in the park. It can be a terrifying yet exhilarating experience leading to that invitation to walk the tightrope. Through the counseling experience, as you recognize the destruction of your past, become aware of the consequences of past brokenness and all it has produced in your life.

As Karen stared at the words of all the trials that took place in her life, she shuttered because she knew the words, the emotions, the consequences and the pain scribbled onto the pages of her journal said it all. All that she tried desperately to hide, to deny, to minimize, to kill is now evident in writing, She writes, “I could never turn back. I thought about it, believe me. I tried to pretend, cover over and even walk back the distance already uncovered in the healing process, but I couldn’t. I decided then and there that the light ahead might somehow be worth the move forward. Oh, it was worth it.”

Once she got past the shock of the unconscious stored memories, and the flood of emotions that followed, she realized the tiny taste of freedom and I knew there was more. She worked with diligence and single minded focus to get to the other side. The side where all the debris and dirt dissipated, the forgiveness was granted, the bitterness drained and the wounds were healed. 

She continued to ponder this question, “Would I walk the tightrope again? For sure I would. I often wondered what would have become of my existence if I never stepped into this arena? I know I would've missed out on so much goodness, joy and fulfillment. Now, i have a testimony to share with others my experiences, my scars and my victories. I pray that others will have the courage to do the same.

Dr. Anita Arrunategui/Graphics: Canva Pro/Song Lyrics: Misty Edwards/

 The content published is for informational purposes. The content included in this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment.   
















The content published is for informational purposes. The content included in this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your mental health professional or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your condition. Never disregard professional advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in our material.

The resources provided are not designed to practice medicine or give professional medical advice, including, without limitation, medical direction concerning someone’s medical and mental or spiritual health. Any resources given are not to be considered complete and does not cover all issues related to mental, spiritual, and physical health. In addition, any information given should not replace consultation with your doctor or any other mental health providers and/or specialists. 

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