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What Is Marriage Mediation?

Marriage Mediation is the ultimate solution for troubled marriages. Our program is an intensive and unique approach that helps couples turn their relationship around and avoid the possibility of divorce. With over thirty years of experience in working with married couples, our program creator, Teresa Thomas, has designed an innovative program through XO Marriage, one of the largest worldwide ministries led by Pastor Jimmy Evans. Marriage Mediation provides ministerial marriage coaching to help you and your spouse restore your relationship.

Generational Hope

No couple enters a marriage with the premise that  they will be heading for the divorce courts in the future. Yet that is occurring in record numbers.  With the rising cost (emotional and monetary) of divorce, the possible years of litigation and the aftermath of family despair XO Marriage Mediation approach is worth a try. It could very well be the answer to the issues you are now facing and provide a win-win solution for all parties involved.

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Happy Boy

We Have Lived Through It. There is Hope!

We are excited to be part of the founding group of this new approach to saving marriages. EVERY marriage could benefit from the tools, techniques, resources, and experience offered through marriage mediation sessions.

We offer one or two full-day intensives in our office or online and coaching calls to follow up, as needed, to get your marriage on track and stay the course. 

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