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Healing Trauma

”Keep the knowledge, lose the pain.”

Accelerated Resolution Therapy (also known as A.R.T.) is a revolutionary innovative trauma treatment modality founded by Laney Rosenzweig, MS, LMFT. It is defined as “An evidence-based form of psychotherapy that utilizes back and forth eye movements (similar to EMDR: Eye Movement Desnsitization and Reprocessing) to help clients address common problems such as depression, anxiety, phobias and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).”

Science has discovered that memories are not as fixed as once believed but rather quite malleable. A.R.T. hones in on this by utilizing eye movements which facilitate the recall of past troubling events and then have the ability to see it from a new, fresh perspective. Any negative sensations that arise are “moved out” of the way so symptoms associated with the negativity subside. Now the client can see the scene in a whole new light, often with more clarity and detail. A.R.T. frees the person from being “stuck” in the past. Rather than reliving the past scenes, the client is given the opportunity to recognize a new perspective through the A.R.T. protocol.

The eye movements not only relax the person but allows them to use their problem solving thought processes to resolve issues. The eye movements seem to help the client bypass their normal defenses of “the fight or flight“ trigger reactions and are able to explore the troubling issue and re-evaluate their perspective, moving from negativity to what the founder coins “positization” of the images.

The encouraging part of all this is that it can often be done in one session to five sessions, depending on the number of themes and severity of the issue. The person is directed throughout the session and doesn’t need to share the details if they choose not to. Closure is always the goal so that the person completes a session with a positive outlook. Clients often leave the session feeling like a weight has been lifted off their shoulders. Bear in mind, other buried issues may arise to the surface in response to the newly healed issue when the client goes home. The client is informed of this possibility and the new issue is processed in the next session.

The greatest part of this is the client remains in the driver seat at all times; the counselor acts as a facilitator and guides the process by making suggestions, asking questions and giving directions. So all you need is the motivation to get rid of troubling images and sensations that do not serve you today, be willing and able to follow the process and you will be well on your way to more peace and freedom from the past.

Dr. Anita J Arrunategui/Canva Pro/ “It’s Too Good To Be True” by Laney Rosenzweig

The content published is for informational purposes. The content included in this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. 

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