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Writer's pictureAnita Arrunategui

Prepare for Victory

The two ripped, muscular, chisel-faced  boxers step into the ring. They are ready.  The grueling practice is over and the chance to claim the victory is here. They studied the winning maneuvers, they became a student of their fellow boxer, implemented well thought out  strategies and are in the arena prepared to gain another victory.

Let the match begin…

This is how we too can find victory in seemingly difficult situations in life. Many may not realize that the most difficult situations we face are our places of greatest gain. If we are in a relationship that has areas of difficulty, have had traumatic situations in our past or just have personal weaknesses to overcome, we can do one of two things: In our minds we can see these scenarios as areas of defeat. The situation seems so intense, so defeating and  as an insurmountable mountain that can not be overcome. No resolve; no peace; no gain. On the flip side, we can see also the situation as a challenge to be overcome.

It’s so easy to get sucked into that first choice of  victim mindset: “Why me?”This is often the question circling in the atmosphere. The “what if” questions  are there too. These self-defeating thoughts need to go. This is not a place to be in denial nor a place of avoidance either but it is a place to (as the professional boxer will do) take our challenges head on and learn to see these difficult times as an arena where victory can be our reality. We must put our best foot forward, prepare and keep our eyes on the prize. 

Here are some strategies to implement when faced with these personal challenges:

  1. Make the most of every opportunity, seeing each one as a chance to grow.

  2. Become aware of areas in your life that need maturation. (We all have them).

  3. Find a place to obtain good counsel utilizing time proven strategies and exercises to improve your spiritual, emotional and physical well-being. (All three areas need attention).

  4. Do the work. See Philippians 3:14, "I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." (NIV)

Your greatest place of victory in the future comes from the challenges you have faced head-on, prepared for and stepped into with courage. 

Dr. Anita J Arrunategui/Canva-Pro

The content published is for informational purposes. The content included in this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. 

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